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Our Vision

The vision is to provide sustainable and loving foster homes for the AIDS orphans, catering for the total well being of the children in terms of: BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT.

IMPILO Foster Homes for Aids Orphans NPC has the vision to build 100 homes throughout South Africa. This would make a substantial difference in the lives of AIDS orphans.

Churches across South Africa will be approached to take care of the operations of one or two foster homes each, in order to attain sustainability and a lasting impact.

The Birth of Impilo

Six years ago the elders of the Lonehill Village Church wrestled with the challenge of meeting the needs of the orphans in the surrounding area. Knowing that God’s heart is for the orphans, a vision to establish two foster homes in Cosmo City was born along with a model that other churches could follow.

The Impact

We aim to build 20 new foster homes for AIDS orphans a year, this will help change the lives and futures of 160 AIDS orphans, provide employment and housing for 40 foster parents as well as work for builders and contractors in the various communities.

About Impilo Foster Homes for Aids Orphans

Impilo Foster Homes was an initiative of Village Church, Lonehill. Considering the potential magnitude of the operations, IMPILO Foster Homes for Aids Orphans has been registered as a Non Profit Company (registration Number: 2012/082822/08). The company is also registered as a Non Profit Organisation (NPO) Registration number No 114-018 NPO and as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Registration No: 930040912.

The operations of the first two foster homes for aids orphans at Cosmo City is supported, in terms of operations and the funding thereof by Village Church, Lonehill and by a Management Committee of members of Village Church,

Expert advice and training is provided by uMephi, an organization with extensive experience in administering foster homes. uMephi deals i.a. with the selection and training of foster parents, the selection of aids orphans, and takes care of the statutory requirements, such as the official placement of the orphans, reporting to the relevant government agencies etc.

The first foster home for AIDS orphans at Cosmo City has now been fully operational for 2½ years, with foster parents and six AIDS orphans.

The second foster home for AIDS orphans, a double-story house on the same property in Cosmo City, has been completed. The home is supported by the Rivers Foundation and the oversight, management and running of the home has been taken over by City Hill Church. House parents Johan and Sonia have been appointed and 6 AIDS orphans will be accommodated.

Object of the Company

The principal objective of the Company is to carry out the ministry and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ and to extend his Kingdom through the provision of Christian Foster Homes for Aids Orphans as well as ancillary buildings and facilities supporting such foster homes

Considering the enormous amount of Aids Orphans, and the need to have such orphans placed in a Christian family environment, the objectives of the company are:

  • To purchase and/or lease land for the establishment of Christian Foster Homes for Aids Orphans as well as ancillary buildings and facilities supporting such homes
  • To design, build and own Foster Homes for Aids Orphans as well as ancillary buildings and facilities supporting such homes, including but not necessarily limited to recreational facilities, multi-purpose centres/churches, preschool facilities such as crèches, schools, clinics etc.
  • To provide operational support to the foster homes as well as ancillary buildings and facilities through professional staff, care givers, facilities management, marketing and fundraising etc.
  • To approach churches and other Christian organisations to take care of the operations of the Foster Homes for Aids Orphans as well as ancillary buildings and facilities and to sell built homes to said churches and Christian organisations if and when required or desired
  • To approach donors and sponsors to fund the purchase of the required land, and for the construction of the Foster Homes for Aids Orphans and ancillary buildings and facilities
  • To establish a vocational training centre for all individuals involved in fulfilling the objects of the Company, providing skill development and transfer programmes as well as employment generation activities
  • To provide advice to churches and other Christian organisations in respect of selection and training of foster parents, management committees, selection of Aids Orphans, statutory requirements etc.
  • To operate and manage the Company on the basis of Christian biblical principles as well as adherence to absolute transparency and integrity